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主要问题: 对KRAS 突变通路的MEK1/2 有效, 一般KRAS和EGFR 不共生. 所以假设外婆有 E 突变的情况下,似乎不是很乐观.
http://baike.baidu.com/link?url= ... I20PrjkQv-VimEd-Mba
MEK 抑制剂。
现在的研究表明对KRAS 突变,特别是某些类型的KRAS 突变的NSCLC 患者,联合紫杉醇有增效的功能。
1. 这不是一个单用就可能有很好效果的药。
2. KRAS 突变。我记得KRAS 和EGFR 往往不共生,所以是否可以对外婆产生正作用,现阶段很难判断。
阿斯利康开展司美替尼用于NSCLC的III期临床研究 - 丁香园
Impact of KRAS codon subtypes from a randomised phase II trial of selumetinib plus docetaxel in KRAS mutant advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. - PubMed - NCBI
In patients receiving selumetinib+docetaxel and harbouring KRAS G12C or G12V mutations there were trends towards greater improvement in OS, PFS and ORR compared with other KRAS mutations.
Different KRAS mutations in NSCLC may influence selumetinib/docetaxel sensitivity.
KRAS 突变和吸烟史还有腺癌正相关。 (34%vs6%/ 25%vs6%)
由于抑制RAS的靶向药没有,只有通过抑制通路下游的MEK1/2 (比如6244)
6244联合紫杉醇(docetaxel) 有显著的ORR 客观缓解率.
KRAS mutant NSCLCKRAS mutations are the most common mutation detected in NSCLC and are associated with a history of tobacco use and adenocarcinoma histology. The rate of KRAS mutations observed in patients with adenocarcinoma and squamous histology reported in a recent analysis were 34% and 6%, respectively [Shepherd et al. 2013]. The rate of KRAS mutations observed among former/current smokers and never smokers in a recent meta-analysis were 25% and 6%, respectively [Mao et al. 2010]. Unfortunately, a targeted therapy is not available for this patient population and the utility of routine clinical testing is debated [Roberts and Stinchcombe, 2013]. MEK1/MEK2 are two downstream kinases in the RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway and inhibition of MEK is one strategy to block signaling [Janne et al. 2013]. Selumetinib is a MEK1/MEK2 inhibitor, and preclinical evidence revealed activity in KRAS mutant xenograft models and synergy with docetaxel. A randomized phase II trial investigated docetaxel (75 mg/m2 every 3 weeks) with and without selumetinib in patients with KRAS mutant NSCLC who had progressed after first-line therapy; the primary end-point was OS. Patients assigned to the docetaxel and selumetinib (n = 44) compared with the docetaxel arm (n = 43) experienced a statistically significant improvement in ORR (37% versus 0%, p < 0.0001) and PFS (HR: 0.58, 80% CI: 0.42–0.79; p = 0.014), and a numerically superior OS (HR: 0.80, 80% CI: 0.56–1.14; p = 0.21). The rate of grade 3 or 4 neutropenia observed in the docetaxel and selumetinib and docetaxel arms was 82% and 67%, respectively, and the rate of febrile neutropenia was 18% and 0%, respectively. The rate of any adverse event leading to hospitalization in the docetaxel and selumetinib and docetaxel alone arms was 48% and 19%, respectively. While the efficacy results of this phase II study are promising, the toxicity observed in the combination arm is concerning. A phase III trial of docetaxel with selumetinib or placebo as second-line therapy for patients with KRAS mutant NSCLC has been initiated [ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01933932]. The primary endpoint is PFS and patients in both treatment arms receive prophylactic pegylated granulocyte colony stimulating factor. |