关于Her2耐药底层信号通路的问题-----common node
本帖最后由 好名好难取 于 2014-2-2 10:21 编辑As described in our review, resistance pathways are
multiple, interconnected but autonomous. Choosing to
address each resistance pathway by an additional drug
as proposed in the sedimentation theory might be challenged by the safety and cost considerations. The Holy
Grail is to identify a critical node amongst the downstream effectors of the RTKs, from which the targeting
would counteract or prevent multiple acquired resistance pathways. Zhang et al. may have identified
c-Src as one of these nodes. This tyrosine kinase appeared
hyper-activated in cell line models of acquired trastuzumab resistance, involving various alternative RTKs
pathways, suggesting a common node status. Interestingly, c-Src activation might be a consequence of PTEN
loss, since Src Tyr416 is a direct substrate for PTEN
protein phosphatase activity. Thus, in this model,de
novoresistance directed by loss of PTEN may lead to
acquired resistance throughout c-Src activation. As a
confirmation, resistance to trastuzumab was reversed
in vivo and in vitro by exposure to the Src inhibitor
saracatinib combined with trastuzumab. Clinical validation of this model is warranted and might address to different concomitant mechanisms of HER-2 resistance.
大家将就看吧···参考文献是Zhang S, Huang WC, Li P, et al. Combating trastuzumab
resistance by targeting SRC, a common node downstream of
multiple resistance pathways. Nat Med 2011;17(4):461–9.(见附件)
对于试药底层通路拿不准的,可以先试saracatinib+Her1/Her2 tki.(个人想法)
欢迎大家积极探讨{:soso_e181:} 本帖最后由 荷花池荒岛 于 2014-5-9 06:02 编辑
好名好难取 发表于 2014-2-2 17:18
荷花池荒岛 发表于 2014-5-9 06:00
毫无疑问,癌细胞对外界改变的适应能力很强。我所担心的是,不论怎样联合用药,到最后都会耐药,无非是 ...
是的,跟我想的一样,无论怎么联合轮换靶向药,最终都是会耐药而不是治愈。但是病友不能死等新药,只能走一步看一步了。 等待一场奇迹 发表于 2014-5-9 07:18
是的,跟我想的一样,无论怎么联合轮换靶向药,最终都是会耐药而不是治愈。但是病友不能死等新药,只能走 ...
荷花池荒岛 发表于 2014-5-9 10:25
我就是不清楚:这样联合用药所换来的一个药耐药的延迟到底能不能延长总生存期。会不会是延迟了这个药的耐 ...
光是猜测是没用的。据有关文献,联合用药有利于提高单药的有效时间 荷花池荒岛 发表于 2014-5-9 06:00
毫无疑问,癌细胞对外界改变的适应能力很强。我所担心的是,不论怎样联合用药,到最后都会耐药,无非是 ...
确定出新药的作用原理,与上一次方案的耐药原因,这样才能看有没有影响。这事不好一概而论。 荷花池荒岛 发表于 2014-5-9 10:25
我就是不清楚:这样联合用药所换来的一个药耐药的延迟到底能不能延长总生存期。会不会是延迟了这个药的耐 ...
我所想的是轮换靶向药,到底有没有延长总生存期。是不是可能本身一口气就可以吃12个月的易瑞沙,轮换分割成四次每次三个月或者更少?不过谁也不知道,因为一个人不可能同时做两个试验 好名好难取 发表于 2014-5-9 12:16
这个我得想想。 等待一场奇迹 发表于 2014-5-9 12:33
我所想的是轮换靶向药,到底有没有延长总生存期。是不是可能本身一口气就可以吃12个月的易瑞沙,轮换分割 ...