老马 发表于 2014-1-8 19:50:49

老马 发表于 2014-1-8 19:52:26

Investigational ALK Inhibitor Shows Promise in Patients With Crizotinib-Refractory, ALK-Positive NSCLC
By The ASCO Post November 15, 2013, Volume 4, Issue 18
Patients with non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) whose tumors have the ALK gene rearrangement usually respond to the drug crizotinib (Xalkori), with a median duration of response of approximately 10 months. In a study reported by Shirish Gadgeel, MD, of Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, and colleagues at the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer’s 15th World Conference on Lung Cancer, alectinib showed promising tumor activity in patients with ALK-positive NSCLC who were refractory to crizotinib. Alectinib is a potent ALK inhibitor recently granted Breakthrough Therapy designation by the FDA.1
Phase I Study
In a phase I dose-escalation study, alectinib was administered to 37 patients with ALK-positive NSCLC that had progressed on crizotinib and chemotherapy. The primary endpoint was dose-limiting toxicity, with secondary endpoints of efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetic analyses. The ALK inhibitor was administered orally at doses ranging from 300 to 900 mg twice-daily until lack of clinical benefits.
Researchers found promising tumor activity with alectinib. In the 37 patients who received a therapeutic dose (≥ 460 mg twice daily), alectinib demonstrated an overall response rate of 59.5%. Median progression-free survival had not been reached after over 5 months of follow-up. No dose-limiting toxicities were observed up to the highest dose tested (900 mg twice-daily), and only one patient required dose modification due to grade 2 fatigue.
Effect on Brain Metastases
In addition, alectinib showed significant shrinkage of brain metastases,2 with only 4 of the 21 patients who were enrolled with preexisting brain metastases having discontinued treatment due to disease progression. Activity against brain metastases was observed as early as the third week of treatment, and the investigators noted that alectinib could “potentially replace or delay the need of brain radiation in ALK-positive NSCLC patients.” ■
Disclosure: Dr. Gadgeel reported no potential conflicts of interest.
1. Gadgeel S, Ou SH, Chiappori A, et al: A phase I dose escalation study of a new ALK inhibitor, CH542480202, in ALK+ non-small cell lung cancer patients who have failed crizotinib. Abstract O16.06. Presented at the 15th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Sydney, Australia, October 29, 2013.
2. Ou SH, Gadgeel S, Chiappori AA, et al: Consistent therapeutic efficacy of CH5424802/RO5424802 in brain metastases among crizotinib-refractory ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer patients in an ongoing phase I/II study. Abstract O16.07. Presented at the 15th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Sydney, Australia, October 29, 2013.

老马 发表于 2014-1-8 19:53:24

Klarem: My husband started on the Chugai drug trial (CH5424802) when it was still in the dose escalation stage (Nov. 2012) and they didn't know yet what the best dose was. Fortunately for him he was put on the 600 mg dose which they now have settled on as the best. He has been on this drug for the last year and loves it. It has even less side effects than Crizotinib. The only one that he has to careful with was sun exposure. When summer 2013 arrived, even a 15 minute exposure in direct sun resulted in a severe burn.

He was progression free for exactly one year from starting the drug. He has one tumor in his lung (none elsewhere in the body) that is progressing. His doctor's treatment plan now is to cyberknife the tumor and continue on the drug and pray he gets more progression-free time. Otherwise we'll be looking for another drug to treat him. Most likely it will be LDK.

老马 发表于 2014-1-8 20:00:36

本帖最后由 老马 于 2014-1-8 20:18 编辑


老马 发表于 2014-1-8 20:23:51


与妻共舞 发表于 2014-1-8 20:55:26

笑雨 发表于 2014-7-10 21:51:02


草船借箭 发表于 2014-10-24 20:47:23


医脉通 2014-10-24 发表评论 分享

最近发表于The Lancet Oncology上的两个试验研究了新的药物和方案。第一个研究探索了埃罗替尼(Tarceva)联用或不联用贝伐单抗(Avastin)用于EGFR突变的晚期非鳞非小细胞肺癌患者的一线治疗的疗效。第二个研究专注于新一代ALK抑制剂alectinib,该药在克唑替尼耐药的ALK重组非小细胞肺癌患者中显示出较高的活性。



基因泰克公司(该公司生产了alectinib、埃罗替尼和贝伐单抗)临床开发副主席Philippe Bishop博士为我们详细讲解了非小细胞肺癌治疗的新进展。

Philippe Bishop, MD


Bishop: 150位初治的EGFR突变阳性的非小细胞肺癌患者参与了该研究。他们被随机分配到贝伐单抗+埃罗替尼组(该组75位患者)或埃罗替尼单药治疗组(该组77位患者).




Bishop: 我们赞成进行风险-收益分析,对于临床医生而言,这些研究提供了新的机会,为适合应用这些药物的患者提供了新的联合方案。要注意该联合方案在美国还未被批准使用,尽管两种药物在市场上都可以买到。这一试验是我们研发计划的重要组成部分,允许我们评估在患者中广泛开展的可能性。


Bishop: 现在我们在寻找如何通过与认证机构对话将这些结果告知他们,使联合方案能够通过审批。目前我们正在与卫生局评估该方案,同时我们也在与美国的合作小组一起进行随机临床试验,该试验很重要,将探索这一联合方案可以为EGFR突变的患者做些什么。






Bishop:要注意对于ALK突变或ALK阳性的非小细胞肺癌患者而言,这是一种诊断驱动治疗。我们的I/II期剂量研究发现:alectinib能够使ALK阳性、对克唑替尼耐药的患者的肿瘤缩小55%。通常患者对药物表现出耐药都有特殊的作用机制,能够克服这一机制是不寻常的。我们的ALK抑制剂alectinib是进一步分化的,它可以抑制克唑替尼治疗后出现的某种突变。alectinib抑制多种激酶, 其中包括接触克唑替尼后活化的激酶。


wztony3802 发表于 2014-11-30 23:10:14


gler5 发表于 2014-12-2 09:40:58

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